(714) 247-9202
  Sam Jebeile

Please send me this FREE REPORT

'Avoid 23 Relocation Mistakes'

Avoiding relocation mistakes can save you thousands of dollars and big-time headaches.  Relocation is among the most stressful events that can happen to a person or a family.  Changing jobs, which often occurs when relocating, is also high on the stress index.  When relocating there are financial, personal and emotional considerations.  You need to get this FREE REPORT: "Avoid 23 Relocation Mistakes."

Consider this common scenario faced by many employees: Your supervisor calls you into her office on a Friday afternoon and asks you to transfer to an office in another state.  She says the new job includes a $10,000 increase in salary, and loads of potential "in the future."  She gives you the weekend to think about it.  This could me a major relocation mistake.

What do you say?  No doubt, a million questions start popping into your head.  You've heard the other state is expensive to live in.  Is $10,000 enough?  How much are the houses?  What will your property taxes be?  What about income taxes?  What about your wife's job?  Will the kids like it there?  Will you like the new job?  What is the impact on your career if you refuse the job transfer?

Get some answers and get this FREE REPORT: "Avoid 23 Relocation Mistakes."

Sam Jebeile
(714) 247-9202
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