Please send me this FREE REPORT
105 Point
Pre-Selling Inspection Checklist
To get the
most money for your property, fastest sale, and with no "surprises," ... get
this FREE CHECKLIST: "105 Point Pre-Selling Inspection Checklist."
If you
don"t find the problem "first"... most assuredly the buyer will and use that
flaw to negotiate a lower price --- costing you money. Most homeowners think
they know where all the problems are in their house. After all, they live there
every day. But this "105 Point Pre-Selling Inspection Checklist" covers
dozens of items that are usually forgotten in preparation for putting the
property on the market.
So why
wait for the buyer to say: I noticed that the downspout drainage is not
directed away from the house. Why give the buyer any negotiating edge?
Use this seller inspection checklist to identify the 105 most important things
that should have the "green light" before you list your house.
And as you
probably know, sellers are required to provide a written disclosure about
anything that might be defective in the property. Many, many lawsuits could
have been avoided and thousands of dollars in legal fees saved if the homeowner
had only taken a few minutes to read through this free checklist:
Point Pre-Selling Inspection Checklist."
Send for it now!